Twenty-five years ago, a catastrophic outbreak occurred in hot dogs due to the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. CDC reported that 15 deaths, six miscarriages, and 100 illnesses resulted[1]. Approximately fifteen million pounds of product was recalled.
Does this sound familiar?
It should. Since mid-summer, multiple media outlets have reported a similar outbreak with Listeria monocytogenes in multiple ready-to-eat meat products. Thus far, at least ten deaths, 60 hospitalizations, and seven million pounds have been recalled.
But why? At a recent conference, I found myself sitting in the audience, asking that very question. As a speaker reading the list of sanitation and operational infractions, I thought, “We haven’t learned anything in 25 years!” As a food safety professional intimately aware of the conditions that led to the outbreak 25 years ago, I felt my stomach tighten as I eerily listened to the details of unsanitary conditions documented in USDA-FSIS non-compliance records. But then I thought, “This isn’t the only one. . . other outbreaks are happening as we speak.”
As I returned home, I listened to news stories on the latest pathogenic E. coli crisis. I thought about a conversation with an industry veteran several days prior. His comment: “It’s not that hard.”
So, where do we go from here?
Back to the basics! Sanitation must become as important as pounds produced. Equipment design must be improved for proper cleaning in today’s high-volume, fast-paced production settings. Environmental microbiological monitoring and supplier monitoring programs must be evaluated for effectiveness. How’s your food safety program doing?
Are you ready for the next crisis?
The ability to retrieve products quickly while investigating cannot be stressed enough. Lives depend on it. Proactively developing, implementing, and testing a crisis management system is essential. Lives are changed, consumer brands are damaged, and they will never be the same.
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[1] Krawczyk, J. (2001, June 25). Sara Lee guilty and fined over contaminated meat. FoodNavigator.