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Mérieux NutriSciences Earns EcoVadis Silver Medal. Read More.
Mérieux NutriSciences Acquires Blonk. Read More.

The Science Behind Flavor Analysis and Testing

As a recognized global leader in spice and seasoning testing, our advanced laboratory capabilities provide accurate flavor descriptions and eliminate concerns.   You can confidently explore a world of delightful tastes, knowing your products have undergone rigorous testing and live up to the highest quality, safety, and flavor standards.


Spice Industry Services

When using herbs and spices to improve the taste and look of food, it's important to remember the possibility of contamination. To maintain consumer trust, we offer a wide range of services that specialize in the safety and nutrition testing of products through the following services:

Chemistry Testing

Explore our comprehensive Chemistry services designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 


  • Preservatives
  • Antioxidants
  • Colors

Allergens and Contaminants 

  • Allergens
  • Heavy Metals
  • Food Fraud
  • Residues
  • Mycotoxins
  • Pesticides
  • Aflatoxin

Nutritional Testing

  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Protein
  • Nutritional Packages

Packaging Testing

  • Reusable Packaging
  • Biodegradability and Compostability
  • Migration Tests
  • Renewable Raw Material Content
  • Product Performances
  • Product Sustainability
  • Recyclability
  • Packaging Safety

Quality and Authenticity

  • GMO, Rancidity Indicators
  • Alkaloids
  • Granulations
  • Purity
  • Sudan Dyes and Banned Colorants
  • Filth and Extraneous Matter
  • Authenticity and Adulteration
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • Scoville

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Chemistry services.

Consulting Services

Explore our comprehensive Consulting services designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 

Crisis Management

Food Safety and Risk Assessments

  • Quality Assurance
  • Business Assurance
  • Food Safety Risk Assessment

Import and Export

Process Authority

Program Development

Toxicology Consulting

FDA Detention Services

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Consulting Services.

Food Safety Software

Explore our comprehensive Food Safety Software designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services.

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of consulting services.

Food Sensory

Explore our comprehensive Food Sensory services designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services.

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Food Sensory services.

GFSI Certification

Explore our comprehensive GFSI Certification services designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of GFSI Certification services.

Microbiology Testing

Explore our comprehensive Microbiology services designed for the spices industry.

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 

Environmental Monitoring Program

Indicators and Industrial


  • Aerobic Plate Count
  • Anaerobic Plate Count
  • Yeast and Mold
  • Coliform and E. coli 
  • Sporeformers

Microbial Identification

Pathogens and Toxins

  • Salmonella
  • Campylobacter
  • Listeria
  • E. coli
  • Shigella
  • Staphylococcus aureus

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Microbiology services.


Explore our comprehensive Regulatory services designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 

Compliance Tools

  • Regulatory monitoring

Food Industry Highlights

International Labeling


Literature Review

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Regulatory services.

Research Projects

Explore our comprehensive Research Project services designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 

Challenge Studies

  • Nutrient Degradation Challenge Studies

Clostridium Botulinum Studies

Microbial Identification

  • Next Generation Sequencing
  • Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Species Identification

Shelf Life Studies

  • Ambient and Accelerated

Validation Studies

  • Surrogate Kits, In-Lab, In-plant
  • Method Development
  • Spoilage and Indicator Studies

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Research Project services.

Training Programs

Explore our comprehensive Training programs designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 


  • Online Trainings
  • Public Courses
  • Customized Trainings

Silliker University

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Training programs.

Third-Party Audits

Explore our comprehensive Third-Party Audit programs designed for the spices industry. 

*This list only encompasses part of our full range of services. 

Third-Party Audits

  • Certification Audits
  • Supplier Audits
  • Food Safety Audits
  • Hygiene Audits
  • Customized Audits
  • SQF FSC 19 Audits

Please click here to learn more about our full scope of Third-Party Audit services.

Spicing Up Consumer Confidence

We help maintain consumer trust and loyalty by offering testing and expert services for herbs and spices, including: 

  • Red Pepper
  • Black Pepper
  • Chill Pepper
  • Oregano
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla
  • Basil
  • Turmeric
  • Paprika
  • And more!

Accreditations, Certifications, and Memberships

Our company has achieved global recognition for its ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and other certifications and memberships, affirming the highest quality and safety standards for dairy products. These advantages ensure compliance with regulations, enhance credibility, augment efficiency, mitigate risk, and provide a competitive edge. We guarantee that your products meet expectations for quality, safety, and performance, and you can rely on our commitment to excellence!


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Spice Industry Resources


Decoding Herbs, Spices, and Botanicals

Discover how DNA barcoding and DNA metabarcoding are revolutionizing the authentication of herbs, spices, and botanicals in the food supply chain.

Get the Spices Brochure