Import and Export Services

      Our Import and Export Services guarantee compliance with domestic and foreign food safety regulations for your imports and exports. We accurately label your products and inform you about any food safety concerns that may affect your suppliers. Get our flyer to learn more about our services!

      We Keep You Informed and Prepared

      We provide valuable assistance in ensuring compliance with laws and regulations that impact you. Our subscription solutions keep you updated on worldwide recalls and food safety concerns. If you receive a notification that your product may violate federal regulations, Mérieux NutriSciences is here to guide you through overcoming this challenge.

      Labeling Compliance

      Our team of experts deeply understands the intricate regulations surrounding food and nutrition labeling. We are well-versed in labeling compliance and the potential consequences that may arise from a mislabeled product. Such errors can lead to detrimental outcomes for a brand, including recalls, negative perceptions, and even risks to consumers' well-being. Our Labeling Compliance & Nutrition Services department's experts are dedicated to assisting our customers in ensuring that their food and nutrition labels are fully compliant with the required standards.

      Learn more about our labeling services. 

      FDA Detention Services

      At Mérieux NutriSciences, we have a dedicated team that specializes in navigating the FDA Detention process and ensuring the swift release of your product to the market. With established relationships with compliance officers and FDA review labs across the nation, our team is highly regarded for its scientific expertise and meticulous packet submission. We take pride in our track record of successfully submitting thousands of packets to the FDA without any rejections. Moreover, our extensive network of professional samplers spans across the United States and Puerto Rico, providing comprehensive coverage for your product sampling needs.

      Learn more about our FDA detention services.

      Foreign Supplier Verification Program Services

      U.S. food importers must ensure that their foreign food suppliers are making food that provides the same level of public health protection as applicable preventive controls and produce safety regulations as their domestic counterparts. It also requires that U. S. importers verify that their foreign suppliers ensure that their food is not adulterated or misbranded with respect to allergen labeling.

      Learn more about our foreign supplier verification services.


      Get our free ebook on how you can level up your B2B SaaS content marketing

      Get our free ebook on how you can level up your B2B SaaS content marketing

      Subscription Services

      Learn how our digital tools and software provide up-to-date information on the latest regulations, food fraud alerts, and limits. Discover more about our solutions to discover the ideal fit for your specific requirements.

      • Safety Hud

      • Regulatory Update

      • Limit Detector


      Monitoring food fraud and safety alerts worldwide.

      • Monitoring official agencies in 74 countries and online media
      • Search by filters
      • Statistics, trends, push alerts

      Monitor relevant new regulations published in Official Journals in 76 Countries.

      Customize your data and target only the markets relevant to you. 


      Monitoring Limits of Law in only a few clicks.

      An easy-to-use tool to detect your limits and export your products without concerns.

      Contact Us Today

      Get in touch with us now to receive expert advice on international trade to supercharge the growth of your business.