Assemble Your EMP Package. Get Started!
Mérieux NutriSciences Earns EcoVadis Silver Medal. Read More.
Mérieux NutriSciences Acquires Blonk. Read More.


Our Food Safety and Quality Consulting understands and addresses your needs, from risk assessment to crisis management. With industry expertise and regulatory knowledge, we protect your products, strengthen security protocols, and safeguard your brand. We collaborate with experienced consultants for each project, providing professionalism and unwavering support.


Food Safety and Quality Services


Our assessment is designed to identify any potential areas of risk and offer valuable suggestions for improving both the conditions and programs within your facility.


Program Development

Our team of experts is here to help you evaluate and compare your food safety management programs with industry-leading practices, ensuring that your product risk is thoroughly assessed.

Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP)

Enhance your EMP to assess and control contamination in your manufacturing processes effectively. An EMP is crucial for maintaining quality and preventing contamination incidents and recalls.

Crisis Management and Technical Support Services

Crisis Management

Protect your brand from potential harm during a product recall or foodborne illness investigation using our specialized Crisis Management Consultancy and Technical Legal Support Services.

Toxicology Consultancy

Our team of Certified Toxicologists specializes in calculating and evaluating the potential dangers of chemical exposure on humans and animals.

Process Authority

We offer process authority services to support acidified food producers, and our qualified team can issue a Process Authority Letter after a meticulous evaluation of our clients' production methods and formulation information.

Elevate Your Standards With Our Expert Partners

Our team of Expert Partners provides comprehensive services to ensure food safety, quality, and sustainability by providing comprehensive services at every stage of the client's processes. Discover our additional offerings to elevate your standards.

Get our free ebook on how you can level up your B2B SaaS content marketing

Get our free ebook on how you can level up your B2B SaaS content marketing

Consulting Resources


How’s Your EMP Program Doing?

Is your EMP program effective? Learn common issues and solutions for designing a robust environmental monitoring program to detect and address issues.

Partner With Our Experts to Protect  Your Consumers and Brand Reputation