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Mérieux NutriSciences Earns EcoVadis Silver Medal. Read More.
Mérieux NutriSciences Acquires Blonk. Read More.
2023 Report Now Available

Food Industry Highlights

Stay informed on the latest food safety regulations and recalls with Mérieux NutriSciences' bi-monthly Food Industry Highlights report. Our team of experts provide valuable insights to ensure your products meet the highest standards. Download the latest report, and let's work together to keep customers confident in your products!

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Here's What's Inside

Food Recalls

Food Recall Events by Category

View a detailed breakdown of food recall events in the U.S. and Canada from FDA and CFIA sources.


Detailed Breakdowns of Regulations

Get detailed summaries of regulatory changes in North America at the Federal and State levels.

International News

Top International Changes

Learn about the most important regulatory changes happening across the world and new market opportunities.

Download the Latest Food Industry Highlights Report